The official Hydejack blog. Version updates, example content and how-to guides on how to blog with Jekyll.
Simple Moving Average (SMA) Indicator
Exploring the Simple Moving Average (SMA) Indicator Using the Python TA-Lib Library Continue reading Simple Moving Average (SMA) Indicator
The Event-Carried State Transfer (ECST) Pattern
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Event-Carried State Transfer Pattern Continue reading The Event-Carried State Transfer (ECST) Pattern
Data Serialisation and Deserialisation using Apache Avro and Java
A step-by-step guide in defining an Avro schema and using a Java project to serialise and deserialise SensorData objects. Continue reading Data Serialisation and Deserialisation using Apache Avro and Java
Apache Avro Data Format
Explore the Inner Workings of the Apache Avro Data Format and Tools Continue reading Apache Avro Data Format
Exploring Apache Avro Definitions & Avro Schema
Apache Avro schema example with primitive types explained. Continue reading Exploring Apache Avro Definitions & Avro Schema
An Introduction to Apache Avro
Explore the Key Features, Limitations and Comparisons of Apache Avro. Continue reading An Introduction to Apache Avro
Apache Avro Reference Guide
The Reference Guide serve as a starting guide for Apache Avro with information, examples and links. Continue reading Apache Avro Reference Guide
Colima Essentials Developer Guide
Developer Guide for Using the Colima Container Runtime on macOS. Continue reading Colima Essentials Developer Guide
Logical Functions in NumPy
This post provides a comprehensive guide with examples on using logical functions in NumPy for efficient conditional evaluations and data manipulation. Continue reading Logical Functions in NumPy
The SBI Feedback Model
A practical guide on how to give feedback in a clear, specific, and impactful manner using the SBI Model. Continue reading The SBI Feedback Model
Project Aristotle: The Pillars of Effective Software Engineering Teams
The Five Key Dynamics of Effective Teams Uncovered by Google Continue reading Project Aristotle: The Pillars of Effective Software Engineering Teams
Simple Moving Average (SMA) Indicator
This post provides a comprehensive guide with examples on using NumPy for array creation, showcasing efficient methods to initialize arrays with specific values, shapes, and patterns. Continue reading Simple Moving Average (SMA) Indicator
Array Creation in NumPy
This post provides a comprehensive guide with examples on using NumPy for array creation, showcasing efficient methods to initialize arrays with specific values, shapes, and patterns. Continue reading Array Creation in NumPy
The SQ4R Reading & Study System
A Practical Guide on how to Maximise Learning while Reading Textbooks, Articles and Journals. Continue reading The SQ4R Reading & Study System
The COIN Feedback Model
A practical guide on how to give feedback in a clear, specific, and impactful manner using the COIN Model. Continue reading The COIN Feedback Model
Minikube Essentials Developer Guide
Developer Guide for using Minikube to set up a Kubernetes Cluster on your local machine. Continue reading Minikube Essentials Developer Guide
Create a Kafka Environment using Confluent Cloud and CLI
A step-by-step guide using the Confluent CLI to create a Confluent Kafka Cluster on different cloud platforms. Continue reading Create a Kafka Environment using Confluent Cloud and CLI
Remove Apache Kafka on macOS using Homebrew
A step-by-step guide on removing Apache Kafka on your local macOS using the Homebrew CLI. Continue reading Remove Apache Kafka on macOS using Homebrew
Setup a Single Zookeeper Node and a Multi Broker Cluster
A step-by-step guide on how to setup a single Zookeeper Node and a multi Kafka Broker Cluster. Continue reading Setup a Single Zookeeper Node and a Multi Broker Cluster
Setup a Single Zookeeper Node and a Single Kafka Broker Cluster
A step-by-step guide on how to setup a single Zookeeper Node and a single Kafka Broker Cluster. Continue reading Setup a Single Zookeeper Node and a Single Kafka Broker Cluster
Install Apache Kafka on macOS using Homebrew
A step-by-step guide on installing Apache Kafka on your local macOS using the Homebrew CLI and Kafka CLI. Continue reading Install Apache Kafka on macOS using Homebrew
An Introduction to Identifiers in Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
This article explains the use of Identifiers as primary keys for entities within JPA and Hibernate. Continue reading An Introduction to Identifiers in Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
Guide: Build a Spring Boot Application with Camunda BPM Engine
This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple Spring Boot application containing the Camunda BPM Engine and a simple BPMN process. Continue reading Guide: Build a Spring Boot Application with Camunda BPM Engine
How to Model a Simple BPMN Flow using Camunda Modeler
This post contains a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple BPMN flow using Camunda Modeler. Continue reading How to Model a Simple BPMN Flow using Camunda Modeler
Plugins for Camunda Modeler
The article contains a list of free plugins that can be included in the Camunda Modeler. Continue reading Plugins for Camunda Modeler
Camunda Reference Guide
The Reference Guide serve as a starting guide for Camunda with information, examples and links. Continue reading Camunda Reference Guide
How to Concatenate a String in Java
This post will list a number of examples on how you can concatenate String in Java. Continue reading How to Concatenate a String in Java
BPMN 2.0 Elements
Comprehensive guide to BPMN 2.0 elements and notations. Continue reading BPMN 2.0 Elements
BPMN 2.0 Diagrams
Overview of BPMN 2.0 diagram types and their roles in modeling business processes. Continue reading BPMN 2.0 Diagrams
Keyboard Shortcuts in Terminal on Mac
This post provides a quick reference to the keyboard shortcuts for the Terminal application on Mac. Continue reading Keyboard Shortcuts in Terminal on Mac
BPMN 2.0 Reference Guide
The Reference Guide serve as a starting guide for BPMN 2.0 with information, examples and links. Continue reading BPMN 2.0 Reference Guide
How to Iterate through a Java List
This post will list a number of examples on how you can iterate over an ArrayList containing the names of cities as String values. Continue reading How to Iterate through a Java List